Tuesday, June 5, 2012

 More Moon Hoax Videos

Dark Mission Part I

Dark Mission Parts II and III

Hoagland Mars/Moon Connection

Friday, June 1, 2012

We Never Went To The Moon

Dark Side of The Moon

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon

Evidence of Revision - Part 1: The Assassinations of Kennedy and Oswald

Evidence of Revision - Part 2 - The Why Of It, All Referenced To Vietnam And LBJ 

Evidence of Revision (3 of 6) LBJ, Hoover and others.What so few know even today

Evidence of Revision (4 of 6) The RFK assassination as never seen before 

Evidence of Revision (5 of 6) RFK assassination, MK ULTRA + Jonestown massacre 

Evidence of Revision Part 6 (6 of 6): The Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

 The 9-11 Propaganda Factory

Hi all. On the next few post I will start posting a bit of the new research into 9/11 Fairy Tale.


In the Definitive Edition I noticed this: At 0:32:47 when the movie is transferred live to Fox the guy who has witnessed what has happened uses the terminology "Tower Number 2" However the gentleman on the left of the three on the panel corrects him and without missing a beat calls it Tower Number 1 that has been hit. Most unusual wouldn't you say ? Obviously someone (the eyewitness in this case) had messed up the script.

And here is my post to the video site at YouTube: I noticed this at 0:32:47 when the movie is transferred live to Fox the guy who has witnessed what has happened uses the terminology "Tower Number 2" However at 33:11 the gentleman on the left of the three on the panel corrects him and it appears that the tape is stopped and then started again missing a half a beat (hand moves) and calls it Tower Number 1 that has been hit. Most unusual wouldn't you say ? Obviously someone (the eyewitness in this case) had messed up the script.

Also the guy on the left (as we view it) seems to be leading the witness and embellishing the tale with graphic imagery.

The Don Barone Television Network

Hi all. Here is a television website of mine for your viewing pleasure

Here is a list of all the programs that are available on the fledgling Don Barone Television Network

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Mehrgarh on Google. Click here
Mehrgarh on Google Image:  Click here

 Mehrgarh (Brahui: Mehrgaŕh, Urdu: مہرگڑھ), one of the most important Neolithic (7000 BCE to c. 2500 BCE) sites in archaeology, lies on the "Kachi plain" of now Balochistan, Pakistan. It is one of the earliest sites with evidence of farming (wheat and barley) and herding (cattle, sheep and goats) in South Asia." 
Mehrgarh is located near the Bolan Pass, to the west of the Indus River valley and between the now Pakistani cities of Quetta, Kalat and Sibi. The site was discovered in 1974 by an archaeological team directed by French archaeologist Jean-François Jarrige, and was excavated continuously between 1974 and 1986, and again from 1997 to 2000. The earliest settlement at Mehrgarh—in the northeast corner of the 495-acre (2.00 km2) site—was a small farming village dated between 7000 BCE to 5500 BCE and the whole area covers a number of successive settlements. Archaeological material has been found in six mounds, and about 32,000 artifacts have been collected.


Saturday, May 26, 2012

Gobekli Tepe 

Why would they call this a religious site ? How do they know they worshiped anything ? For now it is the earliest series of star chambers yet discovered. They could be just houses or they could be charting the heavens.




Friday, May 25, 2012

Hi all ...

Well quite an extraordinary claim I am making. No past indeed. You would think that anyone making such an astonishing claim as the past never existed had better have a darn good reason for suggesting this and I think I do. I would think that if I could show that a series of events measured today yet encompassing all of the past time that things were supposed to be in existence, then I might be able to make a case for myself and I am going to do just that. As an example let us say that suppose we accept that the age of The Universe is 13.4 billion years old and then we decided that this matched exactly with the number of humans who had ever been born up to the present time. Now that would be an interesting correlation of all past things to a present thing. I am not saying that this is true I simply am using that as an example. If there is only "The Now" then all past events are meaningless unless they tie into something in the present or The Now.  By far the best graphic example of this is the fact that the age of The Earth is supposed to be about 4.54 billion years old and the distance to Neptune Aphelion (furthest distance from Sun) is approximately 4.55 billion kilometers. a one to one ratio and a nice neat little alleged co-incidence. But surprisingly there are quite a few of these that I have found and I am certain there are many I have not discovered yet. Here is another and the first inkling I had that something just did not add up. I noticed that the extinction events on Earth seemed to follow the distances that the planets were from The Sun. Now I know you are saying that's preposterous and in the beginning I tended to agree with you but as a few more examples started to show themselves I became less and less sure. Let us observe this apparent anomaly.

The Solar System and The History of Earth

During some of my earlier research I noticed a very strange thing. I noticed that The age of The Earth and hence The Solar System was the exact same as the distance to Neptune in kilometers in a 1 kilometer to 1 year ratio. That is the age of our Earth was about 4.54 billion years old and the distance to Neptune (Aphelion) was around 4.55 billion kilometers. I found this quite intriguing as well as quite an odd co-incidence. But that was just the beginning. As I was sitting in front of my computer that day a thought occurred to me. We know that man and almost all creatures on The Earth today follow the Phi ratio but then I asked myself ... well I wonder if The Dinosaurs did. Well after a quick search of them it appeared obvious to me that they DID NOT! But wasn't that impossible? Since Phi was a fabric of the universe we inhabit surely they had to follow these same laws but they did not seem to. Perhaps I have been too quick to dismiss it but can you find Phi ratios in the image below?

And then a passage from The Bible rang in my ear as it has done numerous times in the past. the passage reads ...

Genesis 6

The Wickedness and Judgment of Man
1 Now it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, 2 that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose.
3 And the LORD said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.” 4
There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.
5 Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6 And the LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. 7 So the LORD said, “I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast, creeping thing and birds of the air, for I am sorry that I have made them.” 8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.

So I thought that maybe "The Creator" had destroyed them in "The Flood" It was a thought and I put it on the back burner while another thought occurred to me. How many of you have looked at those strange creations of The Cambrian Explosion and wondered who on Earth or what design do they follow or what could "God" have been thinking when he created them? Here is an example of the life forms of The Cambrian:

Well perhaps "God" had destroyed them also and then it instantaneously crystallized in my brain and I knew I had my final solution. There have been many extinctions over the eons on Earth and I now knew that they followed a pattern. I did not even have to check them for I knew !!! What pattern you might ask well ... they, the extinction events on Earth and the end of The Ages,  follow the spectrum of visible light (I will show how just a bit later) and they follow the place of the planets in our solar system yes my friends all the extinctions seem to occur where the planets are in a ratio of 1 kilometer to 1 year, impossible you say ... not to "God", and not if it is all placed here in The Now for our benefit. Have a look at the chart below.

As you can see it is apparent that the distances of the planets from The Sun match with the dates given for The Ages on Earth. Now on the surface this would seem to be impossible. Yet there it is. So we can either call it a co-incidence ( a favourite of many) or we can say it is God's work and it was all preordained.  But then how could this happen ? How did the extinction events follow the distances of the planets if the planets were already there while the Earth was going through these ages ? or thirdly we might accept that it is all one simple blueprint and these places within the timeline simply correspond to ratios and numbers we have found at Giza and are simply ratios and numbers that can be found in a couple of simple triangles.

What do you think ?

More later meanwhile it is T - 210 and counting

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Posted by Daz at my message board:

Hi all

Just trying to get my head around 'the past has always been here' I would like to suggest a hypothesis.......

In 2012 I sculpture a statue, seal it in a cave. After 2000 years a archaeologist discovers it, with the thoughts of Don in mind, pyramids have been in situ since forever.

This (my statue) has been here since time eternal? No it hasn't, I sculptured it 2000 years ago.

Best wishes


 Hi Daz I am suggesting that no one will ever find it ... ever.

Unless it is found before your spark runs out.

It is not that the past has always been here ... it is just ... well to put it simply ... the past never happened.

Your only proof of the passage of apparent time is from the time you first gained the ability to think. There was no past to you before this. So I ask you ... how can you be so sure the past once existed and is not just a movie set that we have set up for us to walk around in. Remember all the world's a stage ... 

More to follow meanwhile it is T-212

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

... And surely, a People who built the Pyramids had a weighty reason for not leaving images of how they were built ... Posted by Charlotte at my message board

To which I answered: Hi Charlotte have you ever considered the possibility that the reason there are no images of the building of the pyramids is because they have always been there. ALWAYS !

I am honestly beginning to doubt the very existence of "The Past"

I continue to be amazed that we continually come up with new discoveries that stretch the boundaries of The Universe and take humankind's origin deeper into the past. I am becoming more and more receptive to the idea that this is just a continuing smokescreen to keep us searching in the past and ignoring the now ! And who is putting up this smokescreen for us to get lost and mired in ? ... Well if it were true Charlotte who do you think could be doing it ?

She responded ... 

Well, no, I never considered the possibility that the Pyramids were ALWAYS there but that they were constructed at some time, though I don't believe the time given by conventional Egyptology. There is obviously a past in our History because of linear time, but I know what you mean by an eternal present which is only beyond the concept of time/space. I don't even know if they still maintain that they are tombs.

Concerning the smoke screen, I'm reminded of my Phi Teacher: we are constantly looking askew from what we should be looking at, it is the ego protecting itself from seeing the truth of a thing, so we are endlessly guessing, but no one ever guessed their way to truth.

As I see it, there are 3 ways to go, 1, we can keep on guessing; 2, we can read and listen till we are blue in the Face and take someone else's word for it, which doesn't count in 99.99%, or we can take the contemplative way to find it in ourselves.

You say you have found the Truth, if so, why keep searching? It is not sufficient to realize Truth momentarily, but to become cape-able of living with eternal Truth beyond the illusionary world. Hard to put in words.

We are putting up the smoke screen: Krishna to Arjuna: the Mind is the slayer of the real, or your 'our Minds created this illusion', but to actually grasp the entirety of it is subject to the limits of human consciousness.

We're not ignoring the now, in the here and now we have to we have to strive to overcome these limits.

I will counter thusly. Let us assume for just one moment that this is all an illusion, a dream, a vacuum, a scheme (as per Bob Dylan) then it is all occurring basically in a instant. Like your life flashing before you (yes I have experienced this once). Now if this is so and it is occurring in "our brain" (whatever that may mean)  then it has all been created out of nothing (read here no molecules, no atoms, no electrons no anything, simply thought into existence) and last time I checked thought has no physical characteristics. It can't be measured. It can't be seen. It has no physical dimensions. It is simply thought. Yet it is a tool as powerful as any God we can ever dream up for it allows us to do anything ! To be anything ! To go anywhere ! To be anyone ! It is in reality The God of Gods (as The Illuminati would call their ultimate God ... by the way they have barred me from their website on Facebook. Seems even they fear my "innocent" questions)  for "Thought" can even create ... God !

I don't know about you but my universe started the moment I could think. Some claim it started in the womb but I am not so sure. Once I learned to think I started to create my universe. Do I remember being born ? Of course not. Do I remember when I was two ? No I do not. Do I remember when I was four ? The answer to this is a murky yes. So to me the birth of my existence, as with mankind itself occurred the moment I asked myself ... who am I and where am I.  It, my existence, began when I started to think ! Not one second before.  And I contend from that first instant or instance of thought I had already laid down the path of my life and started setting in motion the plan or sequence of events that would lead us (me) to the now.  I have always contended that every single thing that has ever happened to me no matter what had occurred for a purpose. To give me something I needed to take the next step. There have been no wasted episodes in my life. Like the pyramids at Giza no stone was placed without cause and like my life no chance meeting or obscure event was not for a reason. It was all for a reason. It was all preconceived, I think by myself, as a sort of contest to see if I could ever figure it out. So to make the game more interesting and not impossible I planted signposts along the way that were meant to jog my memory and give me hints of what I am and who I am and where I came from and where I am going. And once enough signposts were found and recognized and followed and added up and put together the puzzle would finally emerge for that is what it always was. A simple gigantic jig saw puzzle designed by me, for me, and me alone. 

More later ...

Posted this 22nd day of May, 2012 ...  T-213 and counting

Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Final Book of Revelation:


Hi all after 61 years on this planet and about 38 years studying the mysteries I have come to an inevitable conclusion and it is really not at all what I expected to find. It is certainly not the pot of gold I thought I would find at the end of the rainbow and sadly it is not at all the prize I had been hoping for. Not really sure what I expected to find but I had long used as part of my signature ... "Look for "The Truth" and one day it might find you". Well I have found what I have noted to be the truth after years and years of patient study and as Jack Nicholson tried to warn me ... "You want The Truth ... You can't handle the truth" and I think he was correct for the truth I have found is depressing and cold and without hope or redemption, it is without reward and without honor, it is without rhyme and also lacking in reason. It is simply ... The Truth and The Truth hurts. I think I can see now why "Mankind" or "whatever" created "Mankind" decided to invent "God" for without this one ray of sunshine to cling to, existence would be as shallow as a small dank pond and equally as drinkable. Yes folks I think I have found the meaning of life and again it is not what I expected. It is somewhat tragic in The Greek sense that I have spent a considerable part of my life searching for the meaning of life only to find out that life as we know it is simply an illusion of sorts. Not real at all and certainly not a beginning for anything else. Mind over matter is an old saying. How true that is. And now a few things seem clear to me. Why there are no images of The Pyramids being built and why certain things happen on certain days such as JFK on 11/22 and of course 9/11 and 3/11. And further why the epochs on Earth correspond to the solar system which in turn correspond to the wavelengths of light and why if we check the dates 3100 BC and 1900 BC and 1200 BC (numbers from The Barone Progression) they have so many things occurring. And why The Universe seems to be expanding in a direct ratio to our collective intelligence and consciousness and why there are always tantalizing new discoveries to keep us searching for the answer in a past that I have come to doubt ever really existed. It is a long story and I have just begun to spin the tale.

It is eerie that questions that go to the crux of reality do not sit well with the masses. They are content to watch Survivor and Dancing With The Stars and the various inane sporting event finals and think that any of it is important. I cringe every time I see a bunch of co-workers go running over to the TV wall to watch a goal or a "good" play. It is truly pathetic. To them their life is complete. Give them a beer a TV and they have reached their Nirvana. A tragic waste of DNA.

To me there are many unanswered questions about myself and my life. There have been a couple of times during my 61 years where I should have died. I should not be here. I should be dead. In fact there was one instance where I was in a collision with another vehicle at about 30 kilometers an hour and although I would not have been hurt too bad ... I DID NOT EVEN MOVE FORWARD. That my friends is impossible in this present reality. The Law of Inertia does not allow something like this to happen. Since this was before seat belts were mandatory in all cars I should have kept moving forward at 30 kilometers an hour but I didn't. So somehow I superseded the Law of Inertia. Wonder how I did that ? Oh I know there are those out there who will attempt to seek solace and understanding in the fact that maybe I am wrong. That this did not happen. Well it happened in broad daylight and on a job where I used to take cars off of railway cars. No drink, no dope no nothing.

I used to think there was a Guardian Angel watching over us, a sort of God if you will but I now realize, or have come to the conclusion that it is ME, yes folks I am my own Guardian Angel. For do they not always say you can not die in your dreams ?

So what is death ? And what happens when we wake up ? What do YOU think is "The Truth" of it all ?

Do you really want to know the truth ? Remember a lot of us can't handle The Truth. 

 To begin our tale I have to go back to the instant where it basically exploded. Yes it literally exploded in my head. An epiphany if you will or was it a stroke ? Or something else ? Whatever it was it was a blinding flash of light that started deep within the center of my brain and started pulling everything toward it and I started seeing connections being made and everything that I had heard, read, felt or saw was drawn to a pinpoint in my brain and then started making the connections to other parts and the light, blinding in its intensity and then after it was over, I think it lasted about a minute but I really can't be sure, my face shone as it was described for Moses and and I knew and I had it, and when asked what I knew and what I had I simply stated ... everything !

Woh everything you say ? Yes everything. But "all knowledge" can not be dealt with and so I began to write and write and write and I was awake and writing 23 hours a day. No tiredness, no fatigue and my mind churning like a cauldron. Everything that I have come up with in the last 13 years always goes back to that one instant of time where I was enlightened. I knew it all then but it was a meaningless jumbo of confused thoughts coming at me with a force I could not deal with. I actually put many of my thoughts of those days down in earlier web pages and I will deal with them in due course. My fabric of time web page where I was convinced that there was a fabric running throughout time and my "In The Beginning" web page where I suggested these thoughts:

... In the Beginning ... Was a new beginning

"In the beginning was "The Word" and the word was a god" This is how The Bible starts and I have often wondered what this "word" was of which it speaks. I think perhaps I now know. For what are words but merely thoughts put to paper. So we actually could read it this way: "In the beginning was thought and thinking was a god". Once one approaches it from this avenue many new doors of reason are opened up. I will show you some of the ones I have opened and then feel free to go out and open your own.

If one looks at it his way there can be no past for the beginning itself is the ability to think. And the only future that can be is the one we set for ourselves and none of us wish to die so following this concept the thought can never die and therefore the future is truly infinite. For we have set an infinite number of possible futures which are all interconnected to the now and our present frame of mind. With this in mind let us explore the world we, and I mean every single one of us on Earth, have created for ourselves.

To do this we must start in the past for it seems to exist but does it really ? What proof do we have that it exists ? Only artifacts and ruins and shards of some distance dim time that none of us can really prove really existed. We only assume it exists because of what we perceive as evidence but could not one of us or all of us have planted this evidence ? Or perhaps something else has planted this evidence. How can we really be sure ? It is my contention that we have all been brought to this singular point in time to finally reach out on the next step of our evolutionary process and explore the heavens that either we ourselves have created or the cosmic conscience has created for us to explore. But since we are all part of the cosmic conscience are we all not in fact the cosmic conscience and therefore all of us every single thing on the planet and in the heavens are controlling this. Are we not all put together this God we have all searched for ? Think about it for now. I am back and will keep coming back. If we all are part of this then let's analyze what has gone wrong. We all believe in a "Golden Time" when life was good and peaceful and wonderful or at least we long for this concept. Why do we not enjoy it ? Why don't you tell me ? ...

Not exactly where I am now but I did stop there along the way in arriving where I am now.

And then I started to notice that the clouds formed patterns or started to form patterns and faces and shapes and animals THE MOMENT I STARTED LOOKING AT THEM. It was if I was controlling them It was unclear then what was happening but it is much clearer now. And I actually started seeing images in water drying on my back porch. It is because I was controlling it and enjoying it and it was meant for my amusement. So many sign posts up and staring me in the face. Now that I can read the writing on them it is very clear where they are leading me.

Eternal rest they call it.

Your just reward it is called by others.

The end of the play for others and no I am sorry there will be no encore and no bows.

Once the lights go out ....